Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Happy Joyful Flower Hat Day


(JFHD for short). JFHD started in 2001 at the University of Northern Iowa, by myself and co-founder Jessica K. The original hat started its life as a prop in our opera closet. It now holds a place of honor in my bedroom in Iowa, along with pictures from the inaugural festival, which included homemade cake, nametags, pictures, original songs, and a trip to the symphony. As you can see from the pictures, the event has taken hold around the world. It's great to see that people are really getting into the holiday and enjoying it to the fullest. I couldn't be happier, really. JFHD for me is the true beginning to the Fall season, and if you know me very well, you know that Fall rocks my world. (I loved some of your emails about the leaves, etc! Thanks for thinking of me!) Which is why Joyful Flower Hat Day is my very favorite of all the random made-up (but deserving!) holidays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The perfect tribute to our everlasting day of joyful flower hats. And they really are joyful. I can't say it enough...Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee, Hat of Flowrs and Haaat of Loove. Those unworthy to uphold Thee, Don't put it on, or you'll go ta h-e-double hockeystiiiiicks!