Friday, April 4, 2008

It's gone too far, the music nerd thing.

So, you're preparing to fry some bacon, heatin' up the pan, waitin' for that perfect time to put the slices on and to hear that satisfying snap, crackle, sizzle........ Guessin' it's probably hot enough, puttin' on the slices, hearin' nothing....darn! But hark!! What sweet music now floweth through your mind's ears? Oh, fancy that! It's the hymn, "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence". {insert slow and silent head going left, then right, in the manner of "no".}

This is just wrong. How could my brain betray me this way? And more importantly, does anyone know of a cure for tragically-nerdy-church musician-syndrome? Please share. Please.

Oh, and come back soon to hear of my recent Time Travel Experience.

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