Thursday, December 20, 2007

No White Christmases in Texas

Today felt like the middle of May in Iowa. It reminded me of recess in elementary school: wearing shorts for the first time that year, basking in the sun, playing tether ball and chasing boys. The warmth of the sun on your arms and legs. Feeling summer around the corner. Smelling the sweet warm breeze and knowing that school is about to yield to slip n' slides and popsicles on the back deck. Yes, that was the way it was today. A beautiful 77. Too bad I'm pining for a White Christmas.

Today the weather man said, "'s warm today but watch out, it won't be warm on'll be in the low 60's! brr!"....At which point I imagined my friend AK from Iowa being violent against a person for the first time in her life. (Let's just say she's not a big fan of freezing toes, car scrapers, slipping on the ice on the way to work, etc.). It's a good thing she didn't see that or we might have a very injured weatherman on our hands. I heard this song for the first time today on the radio. He almost makes the case for enjoying a warm Christmas, but I'd trade it for a real one anyday...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's right! I will punch them out in fact. All you Texans and your cold 60 degree days!! :) AK :)